How to Resolve Order Issues

When conducting spot trading on FinanceX, you might encounter the following issues with your orders. Please refer to the respective solutions for each of these issues.

1. Issues regarding unexecuted orders

If your order is in a pending processing state, it is usually due to one of the two following reasons:

① The last price has not reached your limit price.

② Due to rapid price fluctuations over a short period, there might be insufficient trading counterparts to match your order. It is important to note that orders on the order book are processed based on the principles of price priority and time priority. It is also possible that other orders have been placed ahead of yours.


① Check the price of your order under the Open Orders section and see if it has been matched with a trading counterpart's order.

② For faster order execution, you may consider adjusting the order price and submitting a new order with a more competitive price.

③ Alternatively, you can place a market order for immediate order execution.

2.Technical Order Issues

If you encounter technical issues such as being unable to cancel an order or funds not being credited, please contact online customer service and provide feedback for further assistance.

Last updated